Meditation: All the things of this world have their natural end in the love of God, as can even be shown through reason such as
Category: Devotional
Meditation: The book of Psalms ends with a series of praises of God. Psalms is a very complex book. Some psalms deal with praising God.
Meditation: God provides for all the animals. These animals do not seek for earthly glory, but simply to live their lives and receive sustenance from
Meditation: God has performed many great deeds in history, such as parting the Red Sea, raising Jesus from the dead, and causing the Sun to
Meditation: Everything in creation serves to remind us of God’s steadfast love. The continual movement of the natural processes is a sign of God’s nature.
Meditation: Those in the religious life pray not only during the day, but also come to church at night to praise God. We too can
Meditation: Psalm 104, the greatest praise of creation in scripture, ends with an invocation for God to destroy sinners. This seems odd at first. However,
Meditation: God is the author of life and death. He provides us with what we need to live, and takes it away when it is
Meditation: On this day, nearly 2,000 years ago, Our Lord ascended into heaven. This is an often neglected part of His mission. However, it is
Meditation: In the book of Job, God shows Job all the great things He created. The greatest of these is the great sea monster, Leviathan.