By David Farias In the Theology of the Body, St. Pope John Paul II’s timely work he makes use of two terms which serve as
Category: Scriptural Exegesis

Newsletter for 7/8/22 by Gideon Lazar At the Creation Theology Fellowship, we have so far discussed the theological and social importance of Genesis. However, one
by Gideon Lazar I. Introduction Original sin is today often seen as one of the dividing doctrines of the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. According
by Gideon Lazar It is frequently argued today that Genesis 1 and 2 are two separate creation accounts. Genesis 1 comes from the Priestly Source,
by Matthan Lewis When God created the world back in Genesis 1, what did he use? He didn’t use any uncreated material, nor did he
By J. Luis Dizon Luis Dizon is a Ph.D Candidate at the University of Toronto in the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, specializing
by Gideon Lazar It is frequently argued today that Genesis 1-11 is mythological, while Genesis 12-50 is historical. This is because most Catholics rightly