Meditation: The Church’s veneration of saints is not a post-biblical corruption, but something that is rooted in Old Testament worship. We see the Psalmist regularly
Author: Admin
Meditation: Ancient pagans believed that while things on earth perish, the heavenly bodies, what we now call outer space, was eternal and unchanging. The heavens
Meditation: Nowadays, people think of the creation like a giant machine. God wound it up at the beginning of time and let it go. However,
Meditation: God promised to the house of Israel that he would one day send them a great king that would defeat all evil and rule
Meditation: This world can be very turbulent. Temptations seem to befall us everywhere. Whenever we experience temptation, let us pray “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of
Meditation: Some people worry that the doctrine of divine simplicity is unpastoral. If God is so different from us, how can we find refuge in
Meditation: In today’s psalm, many of the themes we have been meditating upon all come together. God is greater than anything He created, for the
Meditation: On the second Sunday after Easter, we reflected on how Jerusalem is a type of the Blessed Virgin. Today, the psalmist tells us that
Meditation: Christ tells us that God cares even for the birds (Matt 6:26). The psalmist sees this in creation too, reflecting on how even the
Meditation: Mountains are a very great sight to behold. Many ancient people thought the mountains were the home of the gods, or were gods themselves,