by Gideon Lazar This is the third in a series of articles on Genesis as a polemic. Part 1 can be found here and part
Author: Admin
Newsletter for 8/6/22 by Gideon Lazar In last week’s newsletter, I discussed the theological importance of creation. This week, I will continue to share my
Newsletter for 7/30/22 by Gideon Lazar We recently held our first conference, which was a great success. I want to share some of the insights
Newsletter for 7/16/22 by Gideon Lazar A few days ago was the feast of one of the Doctors of the Church, St. Bonaventure. He is
by Gideon Lazar This is the second in a series of articles on Genesis as a polemic. Part 1 can be found here and part
Newsletter for 7/8/22 by Gideon Lazar At the Creation Theology Fellowship, we have so far discussed the theological and social importance of Genesis. However, one
by Gideon Lazar This is the first in a series of articles on Genesis as a polemic. Part 2 can be found here and part
Taken from “The Replies of the Biblical Commission.” In A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture. Translated by E. F. Sutcliffe, S.J. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Sons