Meditation: When God initially created man, he was only given permission to eat plants. However, after the flood, man is now given permission to eat
Category: Lent

Meditation: The flood lasted for around eleven months. For Noah and his family stuck on the ark, not able to talk to any other humans

Meditation: When the flood came, Noah took representatives of every creature upon the earth into the ark. The ark became a microcosm, a miniature version,

Meditation: During the story of the flood, we read many times that “Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him.” Noah had great faith

Meditation: Before God sent the flood, he told Noah to build an ark. Noah had to spend many years preparing for danger before the danger

Meditation: In an age of great sin such as ours, it is easy to follow the masses and act like them. However, God always preserves

Meditation: Sometimes, the Bible can be really boring. Today, we read a long genealogy. However, just because something is boring does not mean it is

Meditation: Sin begets more sin. Cain’s sin creates a whole civilization of sinful men. The few righteous people left on earth may have felt abandoned.

Meditation: When Cain sins, he laments that his punishment is greater than he can bear. Rather than seeking forgiveness, Cain falls into despair. This despair

Meditation: Abel’s faith made Cain jealous, so God warned him that sin was crouching at the door, but he must master it. Because of the